
  • Preparing For A Wax

    Hair removal for women can often be fraught with anxiety, especially for a woman's first experience at a hair removal salon. But armed with a few tips and knowledge, you'll sail through your first hair removal procedure. Be Hairy! This might go without saying, but be sure that the area of the body you're having waxed is hairy. So grow out those pits or bikini line for a couple of weeks before your appointment.
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  • Three Procedures To Consider When You're Unhappy With Your Appearance

    For many men and women, seeing the effects of aging can be depressing. Whether it is to stay attractive to the opposite sex or to gain confidence from their peers, your appearance is important. People assess your competence and trustworthiness in a quarter of a second based solely on how you look, according to a study conducted by Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. The visible effects of aging can be a result of hormones, genes, and even sun worshiping.
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  • A Few Non-Surgical Cosmetic Skin Care Procedures

    Acne, scars and wrinkles can make you feel less than confident. They can keep you from going after your goals, meeting new people or feeling good about yourself. It doesn't matter if people tell you they don't notice the imperfections, and they probably don't, you see them. To help make you feel better about yourself, here are a few non-surgical procedures for the most common skin problems. Dermal Fillers When fine lines and wrinkles plague you, dermal fillers may be the answer.
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  • How To Prepare For Your Micropigmentation Procedure

    Sometimes, your facial features are not the shade that you would like them to be. This can be frustrating because it could result in you  having to spend hours every day applying and reapplying makeup so that you can feel comfortable in your own skin. If you want to avoid having to continue spending this large amount of money and time on cosmetics to change the shade of your facial features, you might want to consider undergoing micropigmentation in order to give your face permanent makeup.
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  • Breast Friends: Six Things You Can Do to Fall in Love with Your Breasts

    Women are constantly slammed with messages about how their breasts should look. Consequently, 70% are not happy with their breasts and wish they could change something about them. Here are six things you can do to fall in love with your breasts all over again. 1. Examine yourself in the mirror naked. This may intimidate you, but do it anyway. Seriously study yourself from every angle. What do you like? What are your favorite features?
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  • The Benefits Of Duodenal Switch Surgery

    Weight reduction surgery works beautifully for cosmetic reasons, but the health benefits from these procedures are even more important than the aesthetic ones. In particular, duodenal switch surgery can help you quickly shed pounds while improving your other serious medical conditions. If you are contemplating weight loss surgery, consider choosing the duodenal switch. Procedure The full title of this gastric bypass surgery is a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. During this procedure, surgeons take out a large portion of the stomach but leave more of it than they do in some other bariatric surgeries.
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  • Understanding Types of Breast Implant Incisions

    If you are thinking about getting breast implants, then it is important to think about the type of incision you will want. Many people focus too much on the type of implant: saline or silicone. While this is important, the area where the incision is made is also crucial. Some incision points will leave almost no visible scarring, while others are more suitable for the type of implant. Here's a discussion about the 4 main types of incision points and their pro's and con's.
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  • Two Homemade Acne Treatment Face Masks To Try

    Acne can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and difficult to treat. Every case is different, and what works well for a friend may not work at all for you. Before you resort to intense acne treatments like laser therapy and prescription medications, it's worthwhile to try some milder solutions. These two face masks may help calm your acne symptoms, and they're made with simple, natural ingredients that you can easily find in a grocery store.
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  • 3 Things You Can Do To Ease Your TMJ Pain

    If you have temporomandibular joint pain, more commonly referred to as TMJ pain, it can be a stressful experience. You may be eager to get rid of your pain, but may not know what to do. Here are some suggestions that may ease the discomfort you feel. Try Jaw Exercises Just as with any part of your body, exercise is beneficial to your jaw. In fact, there is some evidence that exercising your jaw can increase jaw function more than splints.
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  • Should You Have Your Tattoo Removed Or Covered Up?

    If you have a tattoo you're no longer fond of -- whether the name of an ex-flame or simply an immature tattoo you regret -- you may be debating having it permanently removed with laser treatment. However, depending upon the size, body location, and color of your tattoo, having it covered up with a larger, more meaningful tattoo may be a better option. Read on to learn more about which tattoos are best suited for laser removal and which can be seamlessly covered up by new ink.
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